Monday 17 November 2008


Tony Robbins says:
If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results. In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.

He also says : If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

So its a question of re-evaluating things constantly, keeping your models fresh and updating your aims. This done consistently will shape me to be successful in my targets.

When i watched Lesnar at the UFC i saw a healthy and vibrant Greg Nelson in his corner. This is a man who was told he had something that
only 33 cases were in medical literature and that, of those 33, there were 0 survivors. Yet he decided he was going to live and retain his quality of life.

This week sees me going into surgery. Apart from that biopsy i have never had surgery in my life.

I'm scared.

I was scared when at the age 40 i went into the ring on a cold wintry night in some distant place in England.
I was scared when i first got together with Caz.
I was scared when i took custody of my son Perry as a single parent, going into my last year of a university degree, which i took on at the age of 30, having to work 4 nights on the doors to live.

I was scared so many times this blog isn't big enough to cover it.

But i did them all

I was scared to reach out and ask Greg and wrote 4 emails and deleted each one. I received the CSW camp dvd at that time and on one section he talks about his cancer stopping him running and that gave me the angle to ask him a question in a manner that was acceptable to my standards. He came back no holds barred and gave me direction. For that i owe him so much but it's still me that has to deal with it, make it work.

I hear from many readers of this blog about people they know who are sufferring. Give them this blog address if you want - it may make the difference. Thats the way i'll pay back the debt i owe to the likes of Greg, to all who have given me strength, from my direct familly, my students, instructors and colleagues, to associates and people i dont even know.

Life is the purpose and it will go from us one day but dont give it up easily. We are the generation that is rewriting the medical books and taking the BIG C and turning it into the little c. you may be scared but that is what drives us forward.


Steve Grantham - Atlanta said...

Keep it up bro, your attitude is awesome!

Unknown said...

Hi all many thanks to you for the support to my great friend Pat. Ive known pat for many years, when i was in Aberdeen to give support to my father who was also suffering from cancer, pat gave me support along with Caz. All the best from the Riley clan down under

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