Thursday 20 August 2009

Three Amigos

Three major influences this month are Ajarn Chai, Bobby Spour and Marc McFann.

Ajarn, close to retirement, is still globetrotting and getting his Thai Boxing Association firmly established, fulfilling a goal he set many years ago. Each time i see him I learn so much.

Bob Spour's Mindworks Technologies has been written about so much in this blog, you need no explanation.

Marc McFann, as stated in the previous entry, is a constant source of inspiration and encouragement.

In the last few years I have had real issues with my weight. In relation to the training I did, weight was always an issue. Now with the Sorafenib, I'm having the side effect of weight gain suddenly occur. I've changed the way I'm taking the doseage, but in my current state I am not in a position to exercise.

I need to be stricter with my diet and will cut out all non complex carbs with immediate effect. Once the hypertension calms down, I will restart with the weights and kettlebells.

Kali, my boxer dog, has started twitterring or twitterwoofing! She's @ kali_boxer_dog for an insight of a dogs life

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