My team won the FA Cup today. Losing a goal after 25 seconds isn't the best start, but the players kept their focus and did what was required with the 2-1 scoreline betraying the dominance they had.
That mindset is what we all need to persevere in the face of adversity. Delete the negativity of others and see yourself as a winner, an achiever, a doer. Last week we had Daniel Lonero in the gym, as we do many international Instructors.
We surround ourselves with winners and we become winners ourselves. Look at the traits of people that you like and copy them to 'improve' yourself. If you think as a winner then that's what you will be. Imitate a loser and guess what!
Peter, Daniel and Yours Truly
I have a scan this week. The results of this will be a clear indication of whats happening, especially with the timeline. Little reduction keeps a longer timeline. Greater reduction means a shorter timeline before I'm back fit and healthy. Take a guess whats in my mind. MASSIVE REDUCTION!