Tuesday 2 March 2010


The Doctor changed my medication and suddenly the clouds have parted and the sun shies through! Since the festive period i have been uncomfortable but the simple addition of the beta blocker has suddenly taken away the huge strain i felt i was under! What a difference.

With it being a week away from my stay at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary (ERI), I'm putting pieces in place to make sure everything is ok whilst I'm away being assessed. After that I will be on call and could be away at any moment, which will see me being bed bound for upto 6weeks - 2 in hospital and then recovery at home. So at Home, at work and in the school I am putting the required pieces in the right places.

We went down to Northampton at the weekend to the UFA camp hosted by Ewen Campbell and run by Marc McFann. Marc arrived with his partner Jennifer on Tuesday in Aboyne. teaching to a full turnout on Tuesday, Wednesday was more about battling the elements such as the snow.

Sifu McFann Teaches at AMAG

A full car load down to Northampton saw us join the Unified Fighting Arts (UFA) family once again and a great weekend of instruction took place and I was awarded my Full Instructorship and Black Belt by Sifu McFann. Quite a surprise and something I shall treasure always. I first trained with Marc in 94 and hes been a regular to my school in Aberdeen since 96. He has been a good influence and has opened my eyes to a lot more than simply martial arts.

What is truth? - JKOnline Daily Quotes

What is truth?


When the mind realizes the limitation, the narrowness, the finiteness of thought, then only it can ask the question: what is truth? Is this clear? I do not accept truth given by philosophers - that's their game. Philosophy means love of truth, not love of thought. So there is no authority - Plato, Socrates, Buddha, but Christianity has not gone into that very deeply. They have played with words and symbols, made a parody of suffering and all the rest of it. So the mind rejects all that. - Saanen 1st Public Talk 13th July 1975

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